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Databases by Subject: Criminal Justice

Newspaper Databases

CQ Researcher

Supreme Court Collection

Use the Supreme Court Collection to:

·Find summaries and analysis of more than four thousand major decisions, as well as links to the full case text

·Use the "Justice Role Finder," "Justice Opinion Analysis," and "Voting Bloc Analysis" as powerful tools to research justices' voting records and opinion alignments

·Browse cases by topic—including contemporary and controversial issues like the death penalty, privacy, and free speech

·Research documentation of public opinion of the Court, appropriations history, judicial legislation, chronologies of major cases and justices, and judicial staffing

·Compare constitutions from one hundred nations

Off-Campus Access

You will need your current Limestone University username and password (the same information you use to access your LCPortal and Limestone University email) to access articles and eBooks in the Library's online databases. If you need assistance, contact us:


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