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Academic Success: The Halo & Registration

Centralized information for Limestone students, faculty and staff.


Advising Worksheet (Degree Audit)

How to Read Your Advising Worksheet

Knowing how to read and interpret your advising worksheet is essential to understanding what courses you have taken, what courses you still need to take, and how far along you are on the path to graduation. It’s pretty simple, too, once you get the hang of it.

The top part is your personal information. Your name, address, major and advisor are listed. To the right, you’ll see your Career Hours Earned and your GPA. Career Hours Earned is just that: the number of hours you’ve earned so far. Keep in mind that you are required to earn at least 120 hours to graduate.

The first black heading will list your General Education Requirements. These are the classes that all students are required to take, no matter their major. The groups will be listed in bold print; the courses within those groups will be listed beneath them.

The second black heading will be your Major, and will list all of the courses you’re required to take for your major. If you have a minor, that will be the third black heading.

The last black heading will be Free Electives. Any course that you take that is not required for your General Education or your Major will fall under the Free Electives category. All students need a certain number of Free Electives, simply because you won’t reach 123 credit hours by taking your Gen Ed and Major courses alone. Those courses might add up to only 85 credit hours; in that case, you would need 38 hours of electives (120-85 = 35). Each major is different.

Notice the Code Key at the bottom of your Advising Worksheet. You’ll see that any course or group with a dot beside it means that it’s still required and that you haven’t taken it yet. Courses that you have taken will not have a dot beside them, and will instead have the number of credits and the grade you made listed out to the far right of them. Courses that have “IP” beside them mean that you are currently taking them.

There are 2 other abbreviations that are not listed in the Code Key. “WV” means waived. If a course has a WV on the far right side, it means you’ve waived that course. You’re most likely to see WV listed beside your Developmental Courses under the General Education category. The other abbreviation is “TR.” This means that a course was transferred in from a different school. This will only apply to you if you’ve attended another college besides Limestone.  


Useful Numbers

Counseling Services

Josh Martin, M.A, LPC 
Director of Counseling and Mental Health Services

University Nurse (Student Health Center)

Sandy Green, RN
Director of Health Services

Limestone University Health Center’s main entrance is now located through the stairwell of the Dobson Center above the Sub-Connect. Nurse practitioner on staff two days per week by appointment

Campus Safety

Contact Numbers

On Campus - 8344

Off-Campus - 864-488-8344

Emergency - 911

Chat with a Librarian

If you are experiencing problems with our guides and databases, please contact ProfessorJanet S. Ward,, Assistant Director of the Library and Web Services Librarian.