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Academic Success: PathwayU

Centralized information for Limestone students, faculty and staff.


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The Office of Professional Development is happy to provide a new assessment online tool to help students and alumni as they journey into self-discovery and career exploration.  

PathwayU Assignment


The four assessments will take about 15 to 25 minutes to complete. To complete the assessments, review your personalized assessment reports and evaluate the Career Matches features, visit You cannot use your Limestone credentials to logon; you must go to the bottom of the screen and click on Join Now


PathwayU Essay

My Plan for My LIfe Essay

Now that you have completed PathwayU, it is time to share what you learned after completing the assessment. Your assignment is to use the information you learned to start planning your life. You are going to do this by writing a two page-typewritten paper (double-spaced) summarizing your results and explaining how you will apply this information to your life.

Key elements:

  1. When you think about your ideal career, what do you imagine?
  2. .  Describe your primary interests identified in the PathwayU assessment.

a.       What was affirmed for you?

b.      What new strengths did you learn about yourself?

3. Describe your workplace preferences.

a.       Were there any surprises?

b.      When you evaluate your career options, what factors are most important to you?

  1. What kinds of career paths are going to be most likely to satisfy your interests?
    1. How will you know when you've found a career path that aligns with your sense of purpose or your sense of calling?


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