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Limestone University Student Research and Presentations Symposium: About

About the Limestone University Student Research and Presentations Symposium


The Student Research and Presentations Symposium is held on the last day of classes each Fall and Spring semesters. The Symposium is open to both Day and Online students. 


The goals of the Symposium are to:

  • Allow the opportunity for our students to share, discuss and interact with their peers as well as with the Limestone community regarding their research or creative work
  • Encourage inter-disciplinary collaborations
  • Provide a venue where quality works could be seen as examples to be modeled after by students the following year
  • Offer a convenient platform for students to experience presenting beyond the classroom
  • Offer the opportunity for these works to be shared beyond our campus in an online environment via our Shared Shelf* digital platform


*The use of Shared Shelf was made possible by Limestone University's membership in the Consortium on Digital Resources for Teaching and Research which received funding support from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and the endorsement of the Council of Independent Colleges (CIC). 

Limestone University Student Research and Presentations Symposium Policies

  1. In order to participate in the event, all deadlines must be met (both by faculty and students).
  2. Students who have failed to meet the registration deadline will not be allowed to participate in the event. 
  3. Students who register but miss their scheduled presentation slot (or do not submit their presentation file, for on-demand participation), will not be allowed to make up their presentation. They will not be considered 'participants' as they did not present.

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