Welcome to the Limestone University Limestone University Library guide on creating persistent links to our electronic databases and articles. This guide will explain what a persistent link is and how it can be used. In addition, basic steps will be provided to assist with creating the links that consistenly work properly.
What is a persistent link?
A persistent link is a permanent link designed to facilitate access to an online article, database, or saved search. These links can be used in course management software, on websites, or delivered via email. It is also possible to generate links that allow viewers to access electronic resources from off-campus when the link is structured properly.
Why use persistent links?
For Monday, please read the following:
Kerner, Sean Michael. "Eweek 30: Computer Viruses Evolve From Minor Nuisances To Costly Pests." Eweek (2013): 3. Business Source Alumni Edition. Web. 17 Apr. 2014.
For Monday, please read the article "eWEEK 30: Computer Viruses Evolve From Minor Nuisances to Costly Pests " by Sean Michael Kerner.
There are many uses for persistent links in the classroom