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Music Student Resources: Welcome

A General Guide for Music Research.

Welcome to the Limestone University Library subject guide for Music! Please use the tabs above to find helpful resources and tools to start your research.

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"I love music" text with headphones image

Dance & Music Videos

Dance & Music

A History of Dance on Screen - This informative 2013 documentary directed by Reiner E. Moritz questions the relationship between media and dance in the 20th century.

DV8 - DV8's work is characterized by the desire to communicate ideas and feelings clearly with a focus on socio-political issues. The work challenges the limitations of dance by using any means necessary to find the most appropriate way to say something, thereby incorporating elements of theatre, dance, film, and, increasingly, text.

Shakespeare’s ‘Twelfth Night’ interpreted by UK musicians

London Symphony Orchestra 6 x Productions from Berlioz, Brahms, Mendelssohn, Sibelius and Stravinsky

Check out our productions 'Some Like it Hip Hop''Swan Lake', and 'Car Man'!

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