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What is Peer-Review?: Peer-Reviewed Articles

Peer Reviewed Articles

Peer-reviewed articles, also called scholarly journal articles or academic journal articles, are articles published in academic journals. Before being published by the journal's editor, they must first be approved by the author's "peers." These peers are experts in the field relevant to the particular journal. Most scholarly work is published in peer-reviewed journals. 

Peer-reviewed journals are located in the library's various databases, including the One Search feature on the Library's homepage and the various databases listed on the library's A-Z Databases tab.

In the databases, "Peer-reviewed" articles is one of the limiters on the left-side menu. You must begin a search before seeing this limiter. 

The short videos below explain the peer-review process (left) and give a demonstration of the peer-review limiter in One Search (right).

Peer Review in 3 Minutes

Peer Reviewed Articles in One Search

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