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PS 204 Human Growth & Development: Find Journal Titles

Finding Journals Help

If you know the title of the journal that you are looking for visit the Locate Journals by Title page.

If the journal is available in electronic format, you may be able to view the full texts of articles in that journal, right from your computer screen.

If the A.J. Limestone University Library does not own the journal title that you are looking for in online, paper or microfilm format, you may request the specific pages from the journal that you need through our Interlibrary Loan department.

Finding Psychology Journals

You are able to search for a specific journal or browse all journals by going to our Locate Print and Online Journals by Title page.

To browse by suject area, click on Subjects, and then choose desired area from the Drop Down Menu. After choosing a subject area, click on the Journals Only option.

Look for the terms Philosophy, Psychology and Religion in the Subject list

Finding Journals

Search for journals using our One Search journal locator.  You can search by title, ISSN, or by category.

Alternative Search Options

When the exact title or word order is not known, try a search using the words of the title you do know.

For example, if you want to browse all Social Work Journals, type Social Work to retrieve a list of all journals with the words Social Work in the title. 

If you would like further assistance, please view the tutorial or Ask a Librarian for help.


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If you are experiencing problems with our guides and databases, please contact ProfessorJanet S. Ward,, Assistant Director of the Library and Web Services Librarian.