ScienceDirect hosts over 19 million articles and chapters, spanning 2,650 peer-reviewed journals, 43,000 ebooks, and more than 600 open access publications covering physical sciences and engineering, life sciences, social sciences and humanities, and health sciences. It’s a valuable resource for researchers across academia, government, and corporate organizations. If you’re looking for detailed information efficiently, ScienceDirect is a reliable choice.
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Provides full text for more than 1,300 nursing and allied health journals indexed in CINAHL. Includes indexing for over 5,000 journals and searchable cited references for more than 1,460 journals. Access to scholarly journal articles, dissertations, magazines, pamphlets, books, and research instruments. Rigorously curates and indexes open access (OA) journals.
Offers a growing collection of 1,447 active global OA journals high-quality subject indexing and precise full-text linking. Utilizes CINAHL Subject Headings, following the structure of the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) used by the National Library of Medicine. Helps researchers find new concepts, including topics like COVID-19, social distancing, and vaping.
ScienceDirect hosts over 19 million articles and chapters, spanning 2,650 peer-reviewed journals, 43,000 ebooks, and more than 600 open access publications covering physical sciences and engineering, life sciences, social sciences and humanities, and health sciences. It’s a valuable resource for researchers across academia, government, and corporate organizations. If you’re looking for detailed information efficiently, ScienceDirect is a reliable choice.