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Library Services for Faculty

Learn about Library Services that are available for both on campus & extended campus Faculty.

Computers, Internet, & Classroom Space

student at laptop barComputer Workstations: The library has 30 (thirty) computer workstations that have Internet access and Microsoft Office on the second floor.

Laptops: there will be 20 laptops available for checkout through our new laptop kiosk. They are for in library use only and can be checked out for a maximum of 2 hours.
iPads: there will be 20 (twenty) iPads available for checkout. They are for in library use only and can be checked out for a maximum of 2 hours. However, you can checkout for classroom use, as well.
**Students logon to the computer workstations, iPads, and library laptops using their Limestone email username & password**
Wireless Internet: The library is equipped for wireless access to the Internet. Wireless Internet instructions are located here
Study Rooms or Library Instruction Room: Faculty and students can reserve the Library study rooms for a class and reserve iPads or laptops for in-house use.

If you are experiencing problems with our guides and databases, please contact ProfessorJanet S. Ward,, Assistant Director of the Library and Web Services Librarian.