Library Instruction will be available throughout the semester either in-person or via online collaboration. Social distancing will limit the use of traditional methods.
Please email Justin Davis at for more information or to schedule a library session.
The usual model of library instruction for day students will be available on a reduced basis. Note that the library conference room will be limited in capacity to ten participants (eleven including the presenter). The previous model of distributing the library's laptop computers onto the conference room table will not be possible. Students should plan to use their own computers (see the note below on computer availability).
Virtual library instruction has been in place for online and evening students since before the pandemic. Because of social distancing requirements, a virtual instruction meeting may also be appropriate for many day classes. A librarian is available to connect virtually to a course via the Canvas Collaboration tools or by a Zoom meeting. Please note that the library has a subscription Zoom account.
*All library instruction will encourage students to think about best practices regarding information literacy, with an emphasis on finding the most appropriate sources for the assignment at hand.
A limited number of laptop computers will be available in the library for student use. Students who own laptop computers should bring their personal computers to the library.
Library resources including our online databases, library guides and Ask A Librarian knowledge database continue to be available 24/7 from our library website: If you experience any issues with our electronic resources (databases, electronic books, journals, etc.) please contact our Web Services Librarian, Professor Janet Ward at or call 864-488-8351.
While the stacks are once again open to students, we encourage patrons to utilize the following process for requesting materials to help ensure the health and safety of everyone using the library. Please read the information below.