Formerly Bloom’s Literary Reference Online, Bloom's Literature features hundreds of Harold Blooms essays examining the lives and works of great writers throughout history and the world, and thousands of critical articles published by noted scholars under the Bloom’s Literary Criticism imprint.
Full text. This accessible database also contains an archive of more than 46,000 characters; extensive entries on literary topics, themes, movements, genres, and authors; almost 200 video segments and more.
This unique reference database cites records contained in collections of essays and miscellaneous works published in the United States, Great Britain and Canada. Coverage spans the entire range of the humanities and social sciences.
The Modern Language Association's comprehensive index of scholarly journals and series in literature, languages, and folklore. Covers 1920s to the present.
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This unique reference database cites records contained in collections of essays and miscellaneous works published in the United States, Great Britain and Canada. Coverage spans the entire range of the humanities and social sciences.