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Library Instruction Services

Types of Library Instruction Services

Do Your Students Need to Know How to:

  •  Find sources, such as scholarly/peer-reviewed articles, on a particular topic?

  •  Format citations or use citation managers?

If the answer is yes to any of the above questions and other questions related to library research, you can request instruction sessions through the Library Instruction Request form. For any questions regarding library research instruction for your class, please contact the library at

The following instruction services are available: 

Face-to-Face: Faculty can request an instruction session in the library conference room or classroom. Extended campus faculty can also request a librarian to come to their site for instruction, but please note that requests are subject to the availability of the librarian.
Online: Faculty can request an online instruction session. If you have internet access, a computer with speakers, projector and a screen, a librarian can present to your class from Gaffney. Additionally, you can also request a webinar outside of class meetings for students. Links to archived webinars are also available on YouTube.
Course Embedded Librarian: Faculty can add a librarian as a TA to your Canvas Learn class. The librarian can add links to library resources, host discussions on scholarly research and how to find information, email students about specific library resources relating to course assignments, answer questions, and more. An embedded librarian can assist faculty for the full course term or provide targeted services at specific points during the course. Contact the Information Literacy Librarian to request this service.
LibGuides: A librarian can create a class or subject specific LibGuide (library research guide) intended to help students discover a variety of sources relevant to their subject area. Example: SW 203 or Health Care Adminstration
Customized Tutorials/Instruction Videos: Contact the Information Literacy Librarian to request a specific video or series of videos for your class. Videos can include embedded quizzes if requested. The librarian will provide a link that can be uploaded in Canvas Learn or placed in a course Library Guide for students to view as required. 
Research Consultation: Working with the course instructor, students are required to schedule a consultation with a librarian in advance. The librarian and student will review the assignment and discuss available resources. A library consult early on becomes an essential part of the research process and provides maximum exposure to quality sources. 

Please Note:

  • Library instruction, requested by faculty, is provided to aid the University to acquire skills that promote life-long learning. Working with instructors, instruction sessions will be developed to provide students the necessary library information to succeed in the class.   
  • Sessions should be scheduled at least one week in advance to permit the librarian to make adequate preparation for instruction such as creating handouts and/or a web-based LibGuide for the class use.

If you are experiencing problems with our guides contact the Library at