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Proquest ABI/Inform Collection

A guide to all aspects of ABI/INFORM Collection including content, searching, and viewing results on the ProQuest platform.

Publication Search Tips

Search and browse for publications covered in ABI/INFORM. Locate coverage details, browse issues and table of contents, and view the contents of an entire issue.

1. Publication Search Form and Pull-down Menu

Search for a Publication using the pull-down menu to choose to search In the title, Title begins with, In publication summary, and In subject. Boolean operators and the truncation (*) and wildcard (?) characters are supported.

2. Publication Search Limits

Limit your search to show full text publications only and choose to view your results in the summary format or to show the publication title only.

Click the Change button to apply any of the limits to your search.

3. Narrow Publications List

Use the Narrow publications list to help refine your results. Narrow by Source type, Journal subject, Language, Database, and Publisher.

Source types include Scholarly Journals, Trade Journals, Reports, Magazines, Newspapers, Wire Feeds, Other Sources, Books, and Conference Papers & Proceedings.

Use the Journal subjects limit to specify the major subject matter of the publication. This is not only used to identify subject matter of journals, but is used to cover all source types found in ABI/INFORM.

The Language limit notes the language of the published source. A majority of publications are in English, but approximately 17 other languages are represented in the publications list.

The Database field lists the components of ABI/Complete which includes ABI/INFORM Global, ABI/INFORM Trade & Industry, and ABI/INFORM Dateline.

The Publisher limit lists the company or organization responsible for the publications.

4. Full Publication Record

Once you retrieve results, select a publication title to view the full publication record. The record includes the Publication title, Coverage, ISSN, Language, Subjects, Source Type, and Publisher information which includes Publisher name and address.

5. Search Within a Publication

From the full publication record, search within the publication using the basic search box to locate articles containing your search terms.

Selecting the Advanced Search option will open up the Advanced Search page and populate the search form with the selected publication title and the publication title field from the Advanced Search pull-down menu.

6. Browse Issues

From the full publication record you can also browse the available issues by selecting a year and then an issue to view the published articles within that issue.

Publication Search

Publication Record

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