Find Similar identifies key terms within the text you enter, using them to search for related content.
1. Text Box
2. Limit to: Full text, Peer reviewed, Scholarly journals
Full text, Peer reviewed, and Scholarly journals are the search limits that are available in Find Similar. The visibility of these limits is determined by your ProQuest Administrator Module settings. Whether or not any of these are checked by default is also determined by your ProQuest Administrator Module settings.
Checking the Full text limit will restrict your search to only search and retrieve records containing full text from ProQuest.
Checking the Peer reviewed limit will restrict your search to only search and retrieve records that are indexed in peer reviewed journals. Peer reviewed journals are a subset of scholarly journals and are defined as journals that undergo a review process where other experts (peers) in the field review the work before it is published in the journal. Peer reviewed journals are also commonly known as refereed journals.
Checking the Scholarly journals limit will restrict your search to only search and retrieve records that are indexed in scholarly journals. Scholarly journals are journals that are intended for an academically oriented audience.
3. Display Options
The Sort results by menu controls the sort order of the records that appear in the results page. Sort by relevance, date (oldest first), or date (most recent first). Relevance is determined by an algorithm that factors in the number of times your search terms appear in the record as well as where in the record your search terms appear.
Items per page is used to select how many results will display on the results page. Choose from 10, 20, 50, or 100 items.