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RE 205 Christian Ethics and Contemporary Issues: Find Religion Articles

A Library Research Guide for RE 205

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Off-Campus Access

You will need your current Limestone University username and password (the same information you use to access your LCPortal and Limestone University email) to access articles and eBooks in the Library's online databases. If you need assistance, contact us:

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Research Tips

Before choosing a topic for your research, be sure you understand the assignment. Look over any information that your professor gave you and ask for clarification if you are unsure about what is expected of you. Also choose a topic that interests you.

Research topics work well when they are posed as a question. A Good rule of thumb is that the shorter the paper, the more narrow the topic or question should be.

Keep in mind that the research process is not linear, but cyclical - you may have to come back and "tweek" your research question as you start learning more about your topic. 


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