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Information for Tutors: Find Articles/Databases

Library Research Databases

Database word cloud on a tabletThe Library subscribes to many Research Databases. Search the Library's Research Databases to find full-text articles from journals, magazines, newspapers, and more.

Off-Campus Access: To enter the Limestone University Library Research Databases from off campus, you will be prompted to login with your Limestone email username and password.

Finding Journals

Search for journals using our One Search journal locator.  You can search by title, ISSN, or by category.

Alternative Search Options

When the exact title or word order is not known, try a search using the words of the title you do know.

For example, if you want to browse all Social Work Journals, type Social Work to retrieve a list of all journals with the words Social Work in the title. 

If you would like further assistance, please view the tutorial or Ask a Librarian for help.

Can't Access an Article?

Information iconIf you cannot access the full-text of an article, don't panic!

 First, double check that you don't have access to that article in a different library database by searching for the publication the article appears in Journal Search

  • Search the name of the publication (ex. PC Magazine, New York Times, Social Work Journal) 
  • If the publication appears in your search results, click on the link. 
  • If access is available, you will see "Full Text Access" and have a list of databases where the Full-Text of the Journal can be found.  
  • Choose a database from that list and then search for the article by "Search within this publication link" or go to the issue that contains the article using the right-hand side under "All Issues".   

Still not available? You can request the article through our Library Loan Form, and we will request it from another library. Requests usually take 3-5 days, depending on the article. Contact the Library ( with any questions. 

If you are experiencing problems with our guides and databases, please contact ProfessorJanet S. Ward,, Assistant Director of the Library and Web Services Librarian.