Need help coming up with a topic or narrowing your topic? Browse Topics & Issues from the following resources:
Find overviews, news, and opinions on hundreds of today's important social issues.
Thousands of pro and con viewpoint articles on contemporary social issues, topic overviews, primary sources, images, statistical tables, charts, and graphs. Subjects: Current Issues
Choose a topic you're interested in and read current events about that topic. This can help you pinpoint some issues, perspectives, etc. that may give you ideas for your topic or narrow your topic.
NewsBank's Access World News Research Collection contains current and archived articles on issues, events, people, government and more with the world's largest collection of full-text news sources. Includes local news, editorials, announcements and other sections from more than 4,700 sources.
Nexis Uni™ features more than 15,000 news, business and legal sources from LexisNexis®—including U.S. Supreme Court decisions dating back to 1790—with an intuitive interface that offers quick discovery across all content types, personalization features such as alerts and saved
searches and a collaborative work-space with shared folders and annotated documents.
You can also look at the websites of your preferred, reputable newspaper or media company. Some examples:
Credo Reference provides access to a broad variety of reference sources from dictionaries to encyclopedias covering topics from the arts to the sciences. It has an image collection, maps, and audio pronunciation files. You can search the whole collection or a specific subject area.