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Business Law

Business Law Information


There are many sources for free legal information on the Internet, especially for legislative bodies and regulatory agencies. It can be cost-effective to begin your research on free (but authoritative) websites before moving to fee-based legal databases.

Always remember:

  • Evaluate internet sources for authenticity and credibility
  • Websites often do not cite to primary law - move to specialized legal databases to find citations and confirm results


The National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS) Virtual Library hosts a collection of over 235,000 information resources on criminal justice subjects, including corrections, courts, drugs, law enforcement, juvenile justice, victims of crime, and related topics. The Virtual Library provides access to all known OJP works and sponsored research, as well as to thousands of government products, research reports, journal articles, and published and unpublished literature produced through 2014.


South Carolina

South Carolina session laws are published in chronological order by session in the print South Carolina Acts & Joint Resolutions.

The full text of South Carolina Acts from 1980 through the current session of the South Carolina General Assembly is available on the Ratifications and Acts page of the South Carolina Legislature's website.

Other States

Foreign & International

The Guide to Law Online provides links to legal and governmental information for the federal government, the 50 states, foreign countries, and international and multinational organizations. 

This database is a good place to start when searching for foreign law, as it provides links to various types of foreign primary sources (case law, statutes, etc.). 

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