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Guide to Open Educational Resources (OER)

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Learn More About OER

The resources below were compiled by the ASCCC OER Initiative and are intended to provide a general overview of the use of OER. Resources with a focus on a particular topic, such as accessibility, can be found elsewhere in the Canvas course.

  1. Butte College offers a course titled "Introduction to Open Educational Resources" in Canvas Although originally designed to be a seminar-online hybrid, the course is now available as a self-paced online course.
  2. CSU Channel Islands offers a 5-day OER "bootcamp" in Canvas. "This 5-Day Workout is intended to engage you for 20 minutes per day. The focus is exploration of open educational resources in higher education."
  3. Lumen Learning's Adopting Open Educational Resources in the Classroom "provides faculty with an introduction to the laws that influence the use, re-use, and distribution of content they may want to use in a course. Activities include finding openly licensed content for use in a class and publishing openly licensed works created by faculty. At the end of the course, students will have openly licensed content that will be ready for use in a course."
  4. Maricopa's OER Faculty Workshop is a self-paced workshop in Canvas. It consists of two parts:
    • Part 1: The Easy Way to Create, License, and Share Free Materials
    • Part 2: Exploring the Possibilities of Open Educational Resources
  5. The Open University offers a self-paced course titled "Becoming an open educator" As explained in the course site:
    • 'Becoming an open educator's aimed at anyone who is curious about how free and open might change our approach to teaching and learning and has been designed for administrators, educators and facilitators in all sectors.

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