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One Search - Library's Online Catalog

How to Access the Library's Online Services

Your access to the library's online services requires the same username and password as your Limestone University username and password (same information used in The Halo and Canvas). You will be prompted to log-in when you begin a search in the system. You do not need to log in to begin a search and see results. However, you will need to log-in access all the results, download most files, and place PASCAL Delivers books.

An Introduction to Limestone's One Search Online Catalog

  • Limestone's print book catalog (also known as an online pubic access catalog) is now integrated with the main discovery platform. There is now no separate book catalog.
  • PASCAL Delivers, the state-wide book delivery system, is now integrated into the discovery platform. You no longer need to access PASCAL Delivers via a separate link. PASCAL also includes a large e-book collection.

Summary: One Search fully integrates print and e-book collections into one platform. When you perform a search in One Search, you have access to thousands of articles, journals, periodicals, books and e-book titles.

What Else is Available

One Search also allows you to search for published articles. These articles include: 

  • Peer-reviewed, scholarly journal articles
  • Magazine Articles
  • Newspaper Articles
  • Reviews

Services include:

  • Preformatted citations (including APA and MLA)
  • The ability to save items 
  • The ability to email items (including a pdf, when available)

Scope of available items include:

  • All the books, e-books, and articles that Limestone owns access to
  • Books and e-books available to the Limestone community on the PASCAL system. 
  • Access to article information for articles that Limestone does not own (but can usually acquire via ILL)
  • Note: As in the past, PASCAL Delivers books will be sent by courier to the Limestone Gaffney Campus or to any member library pick-up location you designate. Off-campus students may request PASCAL books and other ILL items to be mailed to their home address at *The Covid-19 situation may continue to impact services well into the 2020-21 school year.

Summary: As a discovery platform, One Search attempts to combine as many resources into one location as possible. This means you have access to a large collection of published sources to facilitate your research projects.

Take a quick tour of the One Search Interface

More Information

Please contact the library at or use the Ask a Librarian feature if you have questions. A librarian will be happy to walk you through the search process.

A research librarian is also available to provide a research demonstration of One Search for any class at Limestone (synchronously or asynchronously).

An explanation of the new state-wide library system, which includes the new One Search platform, is available from PASCAL's website.

If you are experiencing problems with our guides and databases, please contact ProfessorJanet S. Ward,, Assistant Director of the Library and Web Services Librarian.